Episode #27: The Vegetarian-Vegan Myth with Special Guest Lierre Keith

Today’s guest is Lierre Keith, the acclaimed author of “The Vegetarian Myth,” as well as food activist, environmentalist, and ex-vegan of twenty years.

So, how did I happen upon this amazing woman out on the west coast? In the late fall of 2020, I watched an incredible documentary created by Diana Rodgers entitled Sacred Cow. It probes the fundamental moral, environmental, and nutritional difficulties we face in raising and eating animals, including the most maligned of all farm animals- the cow.

Lierre Keith was interviewed in this award winning documentary. I was utterly blown away by her story of being a hard-core vegan for two decades, which included her way back to recovery when reintroducing meat, fish and other animal products into her diet- ultimately saving her life.  How did this watershed moment happen for Lierre?

To find out, please join me for one of the most compelling interviews on The Hormone Lifestyle Zone.

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